Houston Family Physicians PA


Flu Shot

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Where to get flu shot in Houston:

Kroger food store: not all Kroger food stores offer flu shot. Click on the following link and enter the zip code to get locations that offer flu shot http://clients.mapquest.com/kfsflu/mqlocator

 HEB also offers flu vaccine. Click on the link to locate one close to you. http://www.heb.com/yourHEBStore/SD-pharmacyFluReservation.jsp

 Who needs to be vaccinated

. All patients 2 years or older can be vaccinated but those who really need to be vaccinated are:

. Elder patients ( those who are older than 55)

. Patient who has lung diseases like asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis

. Patients who has heart disease like congestive heart failure

. Patients who has weak immune systems such as those who are on steroid, or those who are undergoing chemotherapy or those who have HIV

. Patients who live in dormitory like students, nursing home residents 

Contraindication for flu vaccine:

Some people might have allergic reaction to flu vaccine or the component in the vaccine especially those who have reactions to egg or egg product. 

Types of flu vaccine: There are 2 main types the injectable kind and the spray kind.

. The injectable kind is generally recommend for patients greater than 3 years old

. The spraying kind – Flumist – is recommended for those between 5-49 year old. If you have any question, email me at khoadonnguyen@gmail.com. 10/08/2007

 Khoa Nguyen MD


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